
Linux Inside Windows with database support and tomcat



Using Linux Inside Windows to get started with ASP.NET on Linux


If you’re not yet ready to start installing, administering and configuring a full-blown Linux® distro there’s a new alternative called Linux Inside Windows (LIW), and it's available for download from the Grasshopper Web site. LIW will allow you to check out how your Grasshopper applications can run on Linux, while still using your Windows® system.

Figure 1. Running Linux Inside Windows.

LIW is an application based on the QEMU project, which is an open source processor emulator that can be used to run a virtual Linux machine. LIW has taken the QEMU project and added a Debian GNU/Linux system to it, along with Tomcat and PostgreSQL. LIW can happily run applications that you build using Grasshopper. This article describes how to download and install LIW, and then build and run your first J2EE™ application on Linux Inside Windows!
