GoDB Tech 的口号是 Develop Once,Deploy Anywhere。
Linux is growing to be the platform of choice for the future, although there are a number of very powerful tools for developing apps for Linux. It has always been daunting for Windows GUI developers to develop Linux Apps. For example a Windows VB ( Visual Basic ) programmer will have a very tough time developing apps for Linux.
GoDB Changes all that. Now developers can develop Linux apps in familiar Windows . That's right!!! they can use the GoDB IDE in Windows develop the applications debug, simulate and test them in windows and finally deploy them into a Linux machine and the app will run with out any modifications or recompiling. This is made possible by using a GoDB Virtual Machine. When you develop an app using GoDB, your apps will run on all platforms that have the GoDB VM.
Linux developers can also utilize the GoDB Linux IDE for Linux desktops, which can be downloaded freely.
Linux progammers can install the GoDB IDE in their Linux machines, develop and deploy Linux desktop application. The IDE and Linux VM’s are available free for all development and deployment done on Desktop Linux.
Windows developers who are looking to develop Desktop Linux application in their familiar Windows environment can use GoDB Entreprise version in Windows PC to develop and deploy the applications on both the Windows/Linux Desktop.
There are two versions of GoDB for Linux, the X11 version to run GUI apps in XWindows (XFree86) and a version that directly runs on the framebuffer(GUI apps run from the Linux text console).
Here are some screen shots of GoDB Development.
App development using IDE in Windows OR your favourite Linux distro (Using WINE - for more information read "SETUP.TXT")