开源的数据库基准测试代码the open source database benchmark
PolePosition is a benchmark test suite to compare database engines and object-relational mapping technology. As of today it is by no means complete. Database vendors and open source database project participants are invited to improve the test implementations and to contribute further disciplines ("Circuits"). The PolePosition framework source code will help to implement own tests quickly and to time and output the results as number series and graphic visualisations.
The authors of the current test implementations do not see themselves as experts for SQL, JDO or Hibernate or for any of the database engines used. If you think that you can provide a faster implementation for a circuit, please supply it to the PolePosition project instead of criticising the authors for ignorance or the test for lacking objectivity.
This is a community project. It is for you! Please think positive, help us and be nice to us for starting the initiative. If you have a strong ego, good! Please write a better Circuit, Team, Car or Driver than we did instead of laughing about us.
Objectivity must be the most important goal of the benchmark tests. The results show very clearly that there can not be one single "best product". Depending on your application, some circuit results may be very important for you and some may be completely irrelevant. If you consider basing your choice of database on this benchmark, bring along lots of time to look at what every test does. You will not be able to judge the results without looking at the source code that produces them.